Common Vs Uncommon Practices

Since we receive so little training in business practices, many psychotherapists look for help in learning how to grow their private practice. There is certainly a ton of free or low-cost information available on the Internet. Such information is readily available: it’s not particularly hard to find, it’s copied in many places, and many people in the business community accept such knowledge and related practices as standard. And one of the most atractive parts of common knowledge is that it’s very inexpensive.

Despite these advantages, the big problem with Common Knowledge is that it’s common. It’s ordinary. It’s average. And those are exactly the type of results it produces.

So if you want average, ordinary results, and the ordinary practice and lifestyle that goes along with it, seek out Common Knowledge.

Uncommon Knowledge and Uncommon Practices

As opposed to Common Knowledge, Uncommon Knowledge is just that: uncommon, not well known, not cheap, not easy to find, not superficial and therefore not particularly obvious or easy to apply in your business right away. People who possess Uncommon Knowledge don’t give it away or put it on a web site for good reason: most people wouldn’t understand it without the context in which it exists, and it’s usually best learned from a teacher who has successfully applied it in the business world.

Uncommon Knowledge produces uncommon results: income in the top 1% of all wage-earners; understanding of business principles that establish almost an unfair advantage versus your competition in the marketplace; and opportunities to grow your business to a level you could never have imagined when you first started out.

That’s not to say that Uncommon Knowledge is get rich quick, because it’s not. Uncommon Knowledge in the business world is not what you see on TV shows, where ruthless, greedy, power-hungry CEOs step on everyone to get ahead, and massive success happens very quickly. That’s fantasy. Uncommon Knowledge is emminently practical, and understands the necessary principles and practices of increasing income, wealth, and the enterprise value of your business.

One of my most brilliant theoretical business teachers, Toby Hecht of the Aji Network in California, was the one who taught me the distinction and power of Uncommon Knowledge in growing a business. Click on the following link to read about Toby Hecht’s Aji Network:

Aji Network

So if you want to create a practice with uncommon, exceptional results, you need to get access to uncommon knowledge. There’s no other way to do it. And just like in tennis, if you’re going to get better you need to play with someone better than you, someone who has already mastered a higher skill level than you have. You need to have access to and support of people who can teach you what you most need to learn to get to the next level of your game.

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