Consultation/Coaching Services

Individual ConsultationUncommon Practices provides individual business and marketing consultations for psychotherapists in private practice as well as other service providers.

Consultations can be done in person or via telephone, email, or a combination of each of these. Individual consultations offer the greatest customized application of our uncommon knowledge to your specific situation. Consultations can be focused on any specific area of practice building that an individual practitioner needs help with, such as:

  • increasing referrals through the application of Internet Marketing or Community Networking strategies
  • developing an overall Marketing Plan or Business Plan to grow your practice to your ideal level
  • help with Group Practice issues, such as creating systems; tracking metrics; hiring and managing staff etc.
  • using email, websites, SEO (search engine optimization) and/or Internet marketing to effectively grow your practice
  • updating a pay per click advertising campaign (Google AdWords, Bing AdCenter or Facebook)
  • guidelines for developing a low-cost website which is optimimzed for local community search performance
  • using Public Relations to generate free publicity
  • dealing with fears of failure and issues around money/prosperity/success
  • creating an effective Referral System for your existing clientele to refer more to you
  • understanding fundamental Business and/or Marketing principles
  • transforming your business from a hobby into a Small Business
  • creating Joint Ventures
  • developing a “back end” or upsell for all services
  • learning how to apply the concept of Risk Reversal to all of your services
  • and much more.

Consultations can be customized to an individual practitioner’s unique needs based on their background, area of expertise, geographic location and other factors.

We offer two types of Consultation/Coaching services:
  • Consultations on an As-Needed Basis: these are scheduled whenever a need arises and consist of a one hour meeting in person or via phone. You can register for a consultation on this page.
  • Business Coaching: this is for when you have a specific project, issue or goal you want to work on intensively.

Any questions – or if you’d prefer to register via phone – email us at
