Creating Your Ideal Practice

Need More Clients and/or Referrals?
Want More Fee for Service Clients?
Ready to Expand to a Group Practice?
(to generate passive income)

If any of the above goals are true for you, we have a solution that will work for you…

We have created the definitive program that will show you EXACTLY how to generate steady referrals
for your private practice – by providing you with the Three Keys to Success:

  • Time-tested Knowledge
  • Personal Support/Mentoring
  • Proven Strategies for Action

This is the most comprehensive business training ever created exclusively for private practitioners.

The entire program has been designed so that you – a busy professional – can easily fit it into your lifestyle.

The program can be done:

  • whenever you like
  • wherever you like

because it’s delivered almost entirely through the Internet… at an affordable price.

Click Above to Hear Past Program Participants Discuss How this Program Changed Their Practices…and Their Lives…

Our program, called The Business of Psychotherapy: Creating Your Ideal Practice, is equivalent to an intensive graduate seminar. It’s an opportunity to learn what you were never taught in graduate school about business and marketing for private practice, from successful practicing psychotherapists.

Take This Unique Program…

and establish a solid business mindset that will serve you for the rest of your career.

The course covers everything you need to learn to:

  • generate a steady ongoing stream of referrals
  • grow your practice significantly in the next year
  • develop a sophisticated business and marketing mindset that will plant the seeds for consistent, solid growth for the rest of your career
  • learn how to use the Internet as a prime resource for generating very inexpensive referrals (you should be getting at least a quarter of your referrals from the Internet by now, and that should increase over time)
  • learn specific integrative strategies, enabling you to promote your services in an effective, ethical way
  • have confidence in dealing with a fast-changing marketplace as technology and trends change over time
  • create a more balanced lifestyle between work and home
  • create surplus income for whatever you need, such as funding your retirement and/or your children’s higher education

With this new mindset in place, along with mastery of the most essential business skills and practices, you are assured of having an enormous competitive advantage in the marketplace for years to come.

The program is geared toward psychotherapists in any of the following four situations:

  1. new graduates or new practices
  2. existing practices that you want to consistently fill up
  3. full individual practices that you want to grow into group practices
  4. group practices that want to grow and expand their businesses

Title Text

For more specific information on the details, topics covered and fees for The Business of Psychotherapy: Creating Your Ideal Practice click on this link:

The format of The Business of Psychotherapy is unique, convenient and affordable:

  • Reading and homework assignments are sent via email every two weeks, consisting of articles with questions to help you apply the course material to your unique situation. With this format, you can study whenever it fits into your schedule for maximum flexibility
  • Internet Marketing Insider Newsletter, where nationally recognized Internet Marketing expert Joe Bavonese, PhD updates you every month on the latest advances in promoting your practice online. Joe has gotten over 120 referrals every month to his private practice for the past four years by applying what he’s learned. In this newsletter and on his conference call, he reveals the best practices to generate steady online referrals
  • Special Features for New Graduates and Those Starting a New Practice: if you’re just starting a new practice, or have started one recently, you are eligible for special additional services at no extra charge. New practitioners receive a special “Start up Guide” to help you get your practice off the ground in the right way, without any guesswork.

For additional accountability, the program also has this option:

  • Individual coaching/supervision on your learning from psychotherapists who currently are running a successful practice: to keep you on track and accountable for taking consistent actions in applying what you are learning to your unique situation, you speak regularly with staff members who have already successfully implemented these ideas and practices, and are still doing so. All of our program staff are currently running a successful private practice. We know exactly what you’re dealing with – because we do it every day.

The Business of Psychotherapy emphasizes four distinct aspects of learning:

  • Business Knowledge – Theory and Practices: you will learn the exact same material that has been proven to work and led to increasing annual income every single year it has been applied. You will also learn to add essential business practices to what you do to ensure your success. We give you specific examples of what we’ve done and how we’ve done it. This leaves nothing to chance: we tell you what to do, why to do it, how to do it, and when to do it.
  • Practical Application to Your Practice – theory and practices are only valuable when you are able to know exactly how to apply them to your unique situation.
  • Implementation Strategies – one of the crucial steps many trainings leave out is how to specifically implement new ideas and practices, and then systematizing them so they keep working for you every day, week, month and year.
  • Accountability and Support – we’re all busy, and we all have areas of resistance to change. With regular assignments and live coaching, we make sure you stay on track, by providing the necessary support to help you consistently stay focused on your practice goals.

This is a unique training program for discriminating practitioners who…

  • want to create an innovative practice with exceptional standards of service and fulfillment for staff and clients alike
  • are open to learning fresh, distinctive practices to grow their businesses
  • realize that developing a professional business mindset (just like developing a clinical mindset!), is not something that happens in a day, a weekend or from reading a book (where would your clinical skills be today if your only learning was from a weekend seminar or a book?)
  • are ready to break away from the crowd and create something truly remarkable
  • realize the enduring value of proven, time-tested ideas – and don’t want to waste time and money re-inventing the wheel.

All of this material comes from our relentless study of the best small business marketing principles we learned in the past twelve years.

You could study with these same people, and we encourage you to do so. But by taking this program, we’re saving you two things:

  1. years of time to take all this training, as well as years of time to sort out which things work and which don’t work in our field (in some of our trainings, up to half of all we learned didn’t fit in our field due to ethical issues, but they were still very useful trainings).
  2. tons of money. The consultants we studied with are very successful and very expensive. All of them charge more – in fact, two or three times as much – in a single WEEKEND of training than this entire program costs you.

Moreover, we’re constantly learning new things which we will pass onto course participants. We subscribe to numerous print and online business newsletters and magazines, and continue to take valuable, expensive business seminars and workshops that cover every aspect of building a successful professional practice. By being a participant in the program, you automatically will hear about the latest breakthroughs in technology and ideas that promote significant practice growth and development.

The Business of Psychotherapy: Creating Your Ideal Practice

We’re confident that we can help you create your ideal practice by applying the knowledge that we have gained through our studies and experience in the world of private practice.

For more information, email us at:
