Presentations, Writings and Testimonials

Joe Bavonese

Joe and Mel after Presenting at the
American Psychological Association Conference in San Diego

Joe presenting at the Oregon Counseling Association in Portland

Recent Presentations

2020 Group Practice Summit. How to Create a Million Dollar Group Practice. July 24, 2020. Chicago Illinois (upcoming).

2017 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium. Creating a Successful Group Practice. March 26, 2017. Washington, D.C.

2016 Direct Marketing Association of Detroit. The Pitfalls and Opportunities of the Mobile Revolution. June 2, 2016. Detroit Michigan.

2016 Oregon Counseling Association. Internet Marketing for Consistent Referrals. April 9, 2016. Portland OR.

2016 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium. Internet Marketing Bootcamp. March 20, 2016. Washington, D.C.

2015 Stress Therapy Solutions, Inc. Advanced Workshop on Internet Marketing for Neurofeedback Practices. November 4, 2015. Independence, OH

2015 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium. Internet Marketing Bootcamp. March 29, 2015. Washington, D.C.

2015 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium. The Future of Private Practice. March 27, 2015. Washington, D.C.

2015 Direct Marketing Association of Detroit. Direct Response Marketing in 2015. January 29, 2015. Royal Oak, MI.

2014 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium. Creating Your Brand. March 23, 2014. Washington, D.C.

2014 New Hampshire Psychological Association. Growing Your Practice: A Practical Guide to What Works (and What’s Hype) in 2014. May 3, 2014. Portsmouth, NH

2013 Stress Therapy Solutions, Inc. Advanced Workshop on Internet Marketing for Neurofeedback Practices. January 23, 2013. Independence, OH

2012 Stress Therapy Solutions, Inc. Advanced Workshop on Internet Marketing for Neurofeedback Practices. October 26, 2012. Independence, OH

2012 New Hampshire Psychological Association. Developing a Business Mindset: Strategies for Private Practice Success in the 21st Century. May 12, 2012. Portsmouth, NH

2012 Stress Therapy Solutions, Inc. Marketing Your Neurofeedback Practice. March 29, 2012. Independence, OH

2012 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium. Mastermind Your Practice. March 25, 2012. Washington, D.C.

2011 Stress Therapy Solutions, Inc. Marketing Your Neurofeedback Practice. November 9, 2011. Independence, OH

2011 Telehealth Summit 2011. Creating a Successful Online Presence for Telehealth Practices. October 14, 2011. Online teleconference.

2011 Stress Therapy Solutions, Inc. Marketing Your Neurofeedback Practice. October 13, 2011. Cleveland, OH

2011 Practice Building Virtual Conference. Pay Per Click Advertising for Private Practice. September 23, 2011. Online teleconference.

2011 Stress Therapy Solutions, Inc. Marketing Your Neurofeedback Practice. August 25, 2011. Independence, OH

2011 California Psychological Association. Internet Marketing for Private Practice Referrals. April 8, 2011. San Diego, CA

2011 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium. How to Turn my Website into a Referral-Generating Machine. March 26, 2011. Washington, D.C.

2010 Practice Building Virtual Conference. Internet Marketing for Therapists. October 29, 2010. Online teleconference.

2010 Michigan Society for Behavioral Medicine and Biofeedback. Essential Principles for Marketing Your Practice in the 21st Century. October 17, 2010. Lansing, MI

2010 American Psychological Association, Division 42. Internet Marketing for Psychologists in Private Practice. August 15, 2010. San Diego, CA

2010 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium. The Future of Private Practice. March 28, 2010. Washington, D.C.

2009 Virtual Practice Building Conference. Social Media for Therapists. October 13, 2009. Online teleconference.

2009 National Alliance of Professional Psychological Providers. Internet Marketing for Psychologists. October 11, 2009. Las Vegas, Nevada.

2009 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium. Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know About Websites: A Workshop for Psychotherapists. March 29, 2009. Washington, D.C.

2008 Psychology of Health, Immunity and Disease Conference. Creating a Successful Website for Alternative Healers. National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM). December 13, 2008. HiltonHead, South Carolina.

2008 Massachusetts Psychological Association. Developing a Business Mindset: Strategies for Private Practice Success in the 21st Century. May 17, 2008. Boston, MA.

2008 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium. Everything You Have Always Wanted to Know About Websites: A Workshop for Psychotherapists. March 16, 2008. Washington, D.C.

2007 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium. Private Practice is Alive and Well. March 18, 2007. Washington, D.C.

Recent Writings

January 2020. Psychotherapy.Net Group Practice and its Discontents.

October 2015. Psychotherapy.Net The Secret to Getting More Therapy Referrals from Smartphone Users.

July 2014. Psychotherapy Networker. Creating a Group Practice.

September 2013. Psychotherapy Networker. What’s in a Brand? Creating a Brand for Your Practice.

December 2012. Psychotherapy.Net Why It’s Time to Take Mobile Seriously.

August, 2012. “Websites and Internet Marketing” and “The Power of Community Networking”, two chapters in Getting Better at Private Practice. Edited by Chris E. Stout, published by John Wiley & Sons.

May 2012. Psychotherapy Networker. The Latest Advances in Marketing Your Practice.

April 2010. National Psychologist. Internet Referrals for Private Practice.

January 2010. Psychotherapy Networker. Facebook and Your Practice.

March 2009. Psychotherapy Networker. Secrets of a Successful Website.

July 2007. Psychotherapy Networker. Developing a Money Mindset.


To give you an idea of the benefits of our programs, here are some unsolicited testimonials we have received via email from some of our past and present clients. If you’d like to personally speak to or email some of these people, let us know:

You have really put together an inspiring program. Far from a dry course of study into marketing, it has been nothing short of uplifting and encouraging.

My practice is doing great — I’m seeing all private pay clients and I’m making 5 figures a month just by myself! I’m so grateful for your training and help.

I now have more referrals in a week than I used to get in a month!

Joe, you provide such an incredible value and resources. I continue to recommend Uncommon Practices to anyone who asks me for help on marketing and growing their practice.

I started with Uncommon Practices about 5 – 6 years ago and was seeing about 15 clients while working at the hospital. Within 8 months of taking his program I was completely full and too busy to finish the last 4 months of the program. I quit my job at the hospital, trippled my income, and now 5 years later, I have a group practice with 6 therapists and our gross profit is about $10,000 a month. Joe is the real deal. He’s kind, funny, super smart, wise and practical. I have followed literally every piece of advise he’s given me and it’s always be right on target.

Your Website Success Strategies course provided more useful information than any other resource I’ve ever seen.

Your ideas and guidance has provided us with two full practices in a very tough economy.

Wow, just got two referrals today from the changes you made yesterday to my AdWords campaign. Thanks again – we would be so lost without your technical expertise and empathic understanding.

Wow, thanks much Joe! I’m very appreciative of your work; it has saved our livelihood.

I’m also so happy to tell you that in large part due to your training and coaching program, I easily cleared 6 figures this year as a solo practitioner. Thank you from the bottom of my heart – Working with you truly transformed my practice and my life and I will always be grateful.

I want to thank you for of your efforts over the past two years in helping me to build a great internet presence. Two years ago, i took your website building course and 4 weeks after completion, I was in the top three listings on the first page of the free google searches in my geographical area. Four months ago, i signed up for two of your new programs to help therapists utilize the internet to generate referrals. The Search Engine Optimization and Google pay per click and Facebook Campaigns you developed for me have been generating 6-8 new calls a week for the past three months. Although I have been in practice for over 40 years and have an excellent reputation as a marriage counselor, your programs have helped me to continue my “fee for service only practice” and keep a steady flow of new clients who would not have heard of me. Your patience, availability and knowledge of what works for mental health professionals along with your staff’s follow through are the factors upon which i base my recommendation of your services to anyone interested in generating more referrals from the internet. The fees were the best advertising dollars i have ever spent on my practice.

In 2007 when I first contacted you, I was desperate. My full practice was reduced by 40%. I was having fears of becoming a bag lady!!! With your help in the early days of the website building program, I was able to create a website and adwords that now fill my practice as well as my husband’s. 2011 – best year ever – six figure income! That is here living in one of the most depressed areas. YAY!

What a great last three years it’s been. And I want to thank you for all your help, wisdom, support and humor. I never dreamed I could be this successful . . .hoped, yes. But you helped me pave the road to being a successful small (micro) business owner! And it’s been fun!

How did I create a full practice? I have two words for you: Uncommon Practices.

I can’t even say how much I have benefited from all of Joe’s free info and that one hour a few years ago. I am not sure it can be measured. I am very happy that Joe is ahead of me in everything.. because if I get stuck, I know I will just call Joe for a roadmap of the next turn. 🙂 Thanks Joe! And thanks for continually sharing the info you have and not keeping it to yourself!!
The Search Engine Optimization and Google pay per click and Facebook Campaigns you developed for me have been generating 6-8 new calls a week for the past three months.

The Business of Psychotherapy course is great — that one exercise in the first month DID cover the cost of the entire course — thank you 🙂 !

Thanks so much for your help today on my website. It was extremely eye-opening. My web designer said he had done all this stuff but now I can see all the important things that are missing.

Your webinar on the Google Plus was so amazingly helpful. I have done that and popped up to the top when googling atlanta psychologist.

It is all making so much sense to me now, I am in different shoes about the whole marketing thing. This business thing now makes sense…the articles are really good information that I can understand. It has been really valuable for me.

Joe Bavonese is a master at helping those of us who are “non-techies” to successfully implement branding and develop effective websites. His Uncommon Practices site is full of good information and he often offers free webinars in which he shares clear, easy-to-understand information on how to build a strong online presence that generates referrals. He is a fantastic addition to this series on building a more successful practice.

Just wanted to let you know that my practice has grown like a mushroom: I have now a pool of nearly 900 patients – and this from scratch three and a half years ago. I followed all Mel’s and your recommendations. Extremely smart, down to the point and very helpful, thank you very much. The BOP is worth it!

The program was extremely valuable. When I began the program I was seeing 8-10 clients per week. The past 3 months I’ve averaged 24 clients per week. I really want only about 20 per week, but I’m learning to refer out and keep a wait list. Lol. Such a problem!!! I’m even holding back on some marketing ideas because I am overfull. I am extremely grateful!

I am looking at $200K passive income a year. Joe, you and your Uncommon Practices have truly been a godsend to me – not to mention Mel’s expertise and mentoring!

I want to thank you for ALL the encouragement and support you have given me. The year we worked together helped me in incredible ways to reach the level of professionalism that I always wanted to achieve.

I am convinced that being on the cutting edge of technology will continue to greatly enhance my practice and Joe, you are the person in the mental health field who is the most up to date.

Uncommon Practices is worth its weight in gold. When I return to work, which will be four or more weeks from the time I left, I am confident I can build my practice up again no matter how many current and potential new clients I lost.

I just did my numbers for 2010. Despite being in one of hardest hit cities in the country and having a 100% fee for service practice, I surpassed my all time income high by almost $10,000 because of the website and AdWords. When I launched the website in 2008, I had NO IDEA it would fill my practice as well as my husband’s practice and generate the kind of clients and income we desired.

The practice here is exploding! Our two interns have started and we are going thru all the typical growing pains of an expanding business – thanks to Joe and Mel and Uncommon Practices.

I have so many people on my waiting list, that it is enough to be a practice for someone (over 20 clients!).

Joe Bavonese is the person to go to if one wants to be on the cutting edge of marketing in technology.

You guys are incredibly effective. It is great that you are still practicing psychotherapy and adds to your credibility. Thanks so much. I’ve had months of a full practice and am getting back on my feet financially. I am so grateful to you, not just for saving my practice, but for saving my finances overall after two horrible Recession crashes.

Thanks in large part to our phone calls and etc. from your website, my Adwords campaign is keeping me as full as I want to be. Anytime my client load drops, it’s like turning on the tap again. So THANK YOU.

Joe is wonderful, my own income has increased five times thanks to him.

There are lots of people out there talking about therapy marketing but you come through every time with up-to-date, solid information I truly wouldn’t know how to access anywhere else.

Working from Joe’s ideas has consistently kept my practice noticed in searches. I hear more and more that people just “google” counseling or depression (etc) and they found my practice. Thanks, Joe! You probably didn’t know how much I’ve been following you and respecting your willingness to figure this out for us for the last several years!

I took the Website Success Strategies course at a time when I already had a website that was producing referrals, but my practice had dropped to half-full. I needed a quick way to convert the attention my website was getting into phone calls from people who were motivated and serious about seeing me for psychotherapy. I didn’t really think that this would happen by the end of the course, but it did, and my practice has been full ever since. I attribute that to the experience Joe and Mel have as psychotherapists combined with their knowledge of the marketing skills most relevant to private practice.

We greatly appreciated your time, and as always your input to help us better our website. We all thought it was very helpful to speak to you again, especially because you explain it so we are able to understand it for those of us that are not so computer illiterate.

As much as I enjoy the Business of Psychotherapy program, I need to stop at this time because I am SO BUSY WITH CLIENTS!!! I plan to join the next training on developing a Group Practice. Thanks for everything. In 22 years of practice, I have never had had the consistency of referrals for 4 weeks in a row of 23 – 25 or more clients per week that I am currently experiencing. And, the timing couldn’t be more perfect, since my husband lost his job in June.

Joe Bavonese is, in my opinion, the premier therapist/businessperson/web geek in the country, as well as a role model for how to market a business without selling.

Our consult was enormously helpful. It is so refreshing to get down to earth, applicable advice. I really enjoy your approachable calm demeanor and practical insights.

You have been so much help to me – my practice as well as my husband’s practice is full with waiting lists. Between the website and the Google Adwords, it is truly a miracle for us. I don’t expect you to remember but in 2007 my practice evaporated by 50%, now..WOW!!

I found Uncommon Practices through a professional publication and was impressed but I was also fearful about investing money in the business during lean times. Hiring Uncommon Practices made all the difference. I got out of my head and into action. Every month I set goals guided by the content sequence and consulted my coach. In the end, I implemented less than half of what Uncommon Practices taught me, partly because they over-deliver on content and partly because I became busy and had a full caseload. Having my dream practice is better than I anticipated in many ways. The income is a big part of the satisfaction for me but what really sustains me professionally day-to-day is spending my time doing the work I love with the clientele I most enjoy.

Without Uncommon Practices I could have toiled for a decade and never learned how to develop my dream practice. With them, I realized the bulk of my dream within months and exceeded my original goals within the year. Financially more secure and professionally satisfied, I now have the resources and creative energy to look to the next horizon. It’s delightful.

Your patience, availability and knowlege of what works for mental health professionals along with your staff’s follow through are the factors upon which i base my recommendation of your services to anyone interested in generating more referrals from the internet. The fees were the best advertising dollars i have ever spent on my practice.

Because of our website success, we were able to take this vacation to Europe without financial worry, of paying for the trip and not seeing clients for 3 weeks (plus I bought myself the new iPad!) Before we left on the trip, we didnt take new clients for a month so we made at least 15 referrals to our colleagues. The website stuff is amazing.

Thanks for teaching this stuff – you are a Godsend to those of us struggling in private practice..No one is doing what you are doing to create a “faucet” of referrals. This really gives me optimism for the future….

My practice is going better now than it ever has in the past 20 years that I’ve been in private practice. I am very busy, and I totally credit you and what I learned from you through your program, and your helping me design my website, to this result.

So, my practice continues to grow! Honestly I don’t have another hour slot to offer to a prospective client, so it’s thrown me into having to look for a third office day and more child care. Pretty fantastic! I’m starting to believe it might really be possible to have a thriving practice. Thank you so much for all of your support!!! I remember when it just killed me to spend money for the Website Success Strategies course, but now it’s paid for itself many, many times over!

Thanks again for all your SEO help last month. Business has been booming for the last six weeks or so, which is saying something since August is traditionally a fairly slow month.

I feel certain that this campaign is helping me…I have never booked so many hours in a week and a half – a total of 10 new hours!!!!

Joe and Mel have been an invaluable resource as we go through the steps of turning our practice vision into a reality. With Mel’s savvy for interpersonal networking and Joe’s knowledge of how to use online resources to better market our services, we are already seeing success. Our office doesn’t even open until next week but we are already getting referrals and client conversions. We will continue to recommend Uncommon Practices with highest praise to any of our therapist friends and colleagues who are uncertain of how to transform their small private practices into full-fledged, profitable businesses.

Uncommon Practices was, without question, the most exciting and practical thing I have ever done regarding my practice. Thank you for your time, patience, and persistent sharing of your knowledge and experience.

Well, things are sure picking up for me! I have 4 new appointments this and next week, which brings me to 8 new clients! And all but one are for my full fee! That SEO I did from the Website Success Strategies course has sure paid off! The calls just keep coming in.

Uncommon Practices helped me overcome my fear of marketing, helped me create an effective, easy-to-use and easy-to-find online presence that has driven an tremendous increase in referrals for my business. Since completing the program, and becoming a coach for Uncommon Practices, I have seen my business grow to the point where I am now a fully fee for service practice, with no dependence on managed care panels. Thanks to Mel and Joe!

Your program is so professional, but also so personal. That is refreshing. Also you are very generous with time and ideas. You create the feeling of true mentorship and support. I feel encouraged to move forward at a robust clip.

I want to say how much I benefitted from your help in a very short time, just like your publicity says. I am overflowing with emails from my internet advertising. It is tiring, but a great feeling…I am to the point where I need to turn down new patients, at the rate of 2-3 per day.

I am starting to get very happy. This week coming up I have got almost twice the number of appointments booked that I have had in an average week for the past two years! You guys have given me more strategies than I can probably handle in a lifetime. Am I ever fortunate to have stumbled upon your website!

I really appreciate what you have done for me and my practice. FYI, not only did my practice survive 2009 but it grew! I made more money, doing fewer hours with 100% self pay practice thanks to my website and you!!!

All of the things that I have learned from you have enabled me to create my dream practice and beyond. I am still integrating all of the wonderful ideas that I learned from you. Thank you!

I’m finally thanking you for one of the richest half-an-hours of my life! You were amazing in terms of the depth of your knowledge, your focus, and your wonderful pay-it-forward mentality.

I appreciate you reaching out to us all as you do with the information you provide. I realize there’s a promotional element involved, but there’s something more that comes through — you really care. To paraphrase Dan Ackroyd and John Belushi, “You’re on a mission from God.” I don’t have ambitions for unlimited referrals, but for me it’s nice to have the Internet feed me when I need it, and then I can turn it off when I don’t. Today when I spoke with a new referral and asked him where he got my name he said the following: “You were at the top of the page when I googled ‘marriage counselor’ and then everyplace else I looked you were right there.”

My personal website has risen to page one on Google for many important keyword searches due to my incorporating your suggestions. I know that is the reason, because it has all happened since I started your course Website Success Strategies.

…with all the loosely-constructed marketing courses I’ve tried in the past, yours is the only one during which I have felt that I have really learned what exactly to do, and seen that translate into profits and expansion. If I had had access to the material ten years ago, today I would have the practice of my dreams I’m sure. Thanks so much for sharing it and making it so affordable for people. It’s more than returned the cost.

I’ve tripled my practice since I began your program… To me, that is an astonishing accomplishment. I had no concept, no real notion how I would be able to do that. I can’t really describe the kind of confidence that I have.

The best part for me about Uncommon Practices is the course-like format. The monthly assignments helped me stay on track and work on my business each month, and I got feedback from an expert every month. Before I always had all these wonderful marketing “ideas” and plans, but was always too busy to follow through. The program takes marketing ideas and assignments from top business gurus and applies them to therapists in private practice. It is like having a year long business course for therapists, and I found that extremely helpful.

The website I created with your guidance is paying off. For the last 2 weeks, I am back to my full schedule of clients and I have a small waiting list—even though my area has been really hard hit with the recession. I have not had this much business in a YEAR.

Through the years I have consulted with different practice consultants. By far you are the most creative and practical. I have recommended you to my colleagues who want to grow their practices.

I’ve nearly tripled my income in five months.

I’m finding this program VERY helpful! I used to be in marketing . . . and am humbled and excited by what I don’t know!

Uncommon Practices is the best thing that’s ever happened to me…you guys are great.

I just want to tell you again how pleased and impressed I am by your program, as well as amazed at how it has boosted my confidence level/hopes that I can make changes to my practice to make it more profitable. I so much appreciate your assistance.

There is something you got me to do right! In addition to your own wizardry with all the STUFF I would never have managed on my own, nor even known about. It is almost miraculous what is happening.

I feel really fortunate to have completed this program. It has truly acted as a compass to help guide me through the steps of practice building and so neatly compiled the foundation of information in which to start working towards my goals, which I really had no clue as to how to get where I wanted to go! I feel far more confident in my abilities to maintain and continue growing my business.

I am so glad your company exists. I felt so alone in this whole venture. It’s nice to be in a community of others who are working to be “uncommon.”

The rapid responses from you guys is amazing. I really appreciate it.

Talking with you was incredibly helpful. Thanks so much for your time. In case you haven’t heard it yet today – your services are incredibly unique and valuable.

For me, the last 18 months has been the most eventful time period in my life. From a professional standpoint, the Uncommon Practices program and your guidance has enabled me to be in a place far beyond where I ever could have imagined. I had this plan of building a private practice for the past ten years. The day finally arrived and what was an abstract notion was suddenly a very real challenge. If I had not come across you advertisement, I think I would be working for somebody else, trying to get a practice off the ground. I can’t believe there are many other psychologists with your expertise in marketing and business who can successfully blend the two with the clinical and ethical aspects of our work.

I had to turn off my Google Adwords campaign because I can’t take any more people. Believe me, I’m not complaining. I’m delighted.

The real diamond for me as goes the Uncommon Practices program has been the specifics of looking at my practice as a business. I have no business background to speak of, and no template about how to apply anything to the Business of Psychotherapy. They have been incredible in showing me how to do those things. I would highly recommend the Business of Psychotherapy to anyone.

I’ve now got a full caseload, with 80% of my referrals coming from the Internet – and six months ago I was uncomfortable with anything to do with technology and computers.

The teaching and professional support from Uncommon Practices has been profoundly helpful in an area that I finally realized I need help in, building in practice.

I have doubled my clients, and that is a conservative estimate. I am so grateful, and so very happy with these results. There is no one I know, no one near me geographically that has these results or has heard of these results. It is absolutely incredible. I am truly blessed to have found you.

Today I actually looked at the hard numbers – comparing last year income to date vs. this year. I have TRIPLED my income. Yee haw! Life is good. Thank you so much for everything.

I used Uncommon Practices’ help to redo my website. Prior to having it examined by Uncommon Practices my web site was generating about 4 clients each year. I was also wasting tons of money on advertising the web site. I implemented all the changes suggested and completely redid the site, now I’m getting about 2 new clients each week, with about 3 inquiries each day! Plus, I’m getting this response while spending LESS than I did before. If you have a web site that just isn’t generating income, have them look at it!

My practice has grown from an average of 13.5 clients per week to an average of 23 clients per week in just 2 months, a gain of 70%.

I have been busy with my growing practice (thanks to your help). There aren’t enough hours in the week! I am getting calls every week from clients who want to work with me. It feels great to be in professional demand. Applying your marketing strategies to my website and locator profiles has been a very big factor contributing to this success. Thank you!

I relocated about 11 months ago to build a practice from scratch. I pretty much designed my own website, but with significant guidance from Uncommon Practices, who helped me with the initial layout and applying key marketing principals in its design. I recently completed their year-long program and believe very strongly in the program. If you don’t have a business or marketing background, the program will give you the knowledge to bridge the clinical with the business end of things. Joe and Mel have studied many of the top business minds and break the information down in a way that is understandable and applicable.

My website has been pivotal in building my practice. I get 25-40% of my referrals a month from the web. It is the difference of 10-15 clients per week and 20-30. In addition, I have been contacted by other referents in the area inquiring about my services and recently appeared on a TV show as a result of a producer who found me online. In short, it’s a major key and I couldn’t have done it with guidance from Uncommon Practices.

As we often write in letters of recommendation, I give my highest endorsement without any reservations. I have a full practice and holding off taking new referrals. I’m busier than I ever dreamed and having fun (and working a lot!)

This past year I finally realized that far more than “sending messages out to the universe” and being convinced of my profound clinical skills, I needed some practical, real, applicable business knowledge. I also realized that I had never gotten this, or worked in an environment that encouraged this. In other words, I realized that a lack of business sense was not an innate quality in me that could never be changed. If I am capable of learning how to manage and heal clients with axis II disorders, then I can certainly learn how to grow my business given the right effort and direction.

Uncommon Practices has given me the skills to increase my gross income 88% in just 5 months!

Thanks for your help so far. My business has nearly doubled in the past three months. It’s amazing. I will likely have to add several more office hours at the place I rent.

I am so swamped with new patients right now that I am running out of time slots at the office. Currently, I receive a new referral almost every day. I am somewhat overwhelmed by the phenomenon. everyone who calls wants to make an appointment because they have picked me intentionally. My web presence is invaluable; the patient, when calling, knows whom they are talking to and has picked me among many others. It feels truly miraculous.

I have more cash paying clients than I have ever had. Since starting the program 4 months ago, I have been the busiest since I started my practice almost three years ago.

Implementing only about 10% of the ideas you guys have shared with me has doubled my practice in the past month! WOW!

Our work together has been, I would say invaluable. But what this has been worth for me personally in finally jetissoning the baggage that held me back, well, that’s definitely been invaluable, since I can see that new energy and understanding carrying me for decades. Anyway, thank you for developing this program and for your work and encouragement. I have more clients. More people are benefitting from my skills. Which means that more people are able to work and love and enjoy their lives. In other words, your program is certainly making a difference in the world, for the better.

I wanted to tell you that I’ve gotten more useful information from any given page of the first two assignments from Uncommon Practices than from the 4 or 5 books I’ve read on marketing and the 3 workshops I’ve attended all together. And to think that I had all but given up on ever being able to really market my practice.

I am bursting at the seams with referrals. I even took my Adwords down about six weeks ago, because I couldn’t manage the calls and have a wait list.

The main reason I chose Uncommon Practices is that you have experienced so much and know exactly what applies and what doesn’t. I hope you realize how reassuring and powerful it is to other MHPs hear the success stories of you and Mel. It is one thing to read it in books and want to believe it can work with me, but it is so much more powerful to hear your stories and to know it is possible in our profession. What you are doing is such a valuable service to our profession and I am proud to be learning from you.

I’m very happy with Uncommon Practices for a number of reasons…it keeps me thinking ‘business’ in some way or another every day…the conference calls are very valuable as windows into other people’s similar businesses, and the decisions and challenges and solutions they employ…not to mention the numerous and extremely enlightening, specific lessonsabout tracking referrals, numbers of sessions, value of a referral, advertising dollars, and other specific formulas for evaluating costs and benefits…on and on. The course is GREAT.

I am told this is the slowest time of year and I have had more referrals in the last two weeks than in my whole career.

I’m really getting a lot out of your training. You’ve really done a great job with it.

I feel like a dinosaur that has suddenly been given a key to modern times.

I am quite glad that I did not listen to those who thought this consulting thing was a big waste of money. For every one dollar I’ve spent on Uncommon Practices services, I have made an additional $23 in extra income. Now that’s a return on investment that is sure worth it!

I look through my client list for this week and 40% of my clients are new. I do not even want to think about where I would be at if I had not found your service.

The first year I averaged 2.4 new referrals per week. Thanks to your suggestions I am averaging 9.5 new referrals per week this year. I am thrilled with the potential of the Internet. You are the answer to many prayers. Thank you for your great business expertise.

I’ve tripled my income in five months…colleagues are coming up to me and asking, “What’s the secret to your success?”

As I am looking over my tasks for the day, I had an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the Uncommon Practices program. You see, tonight I go to the open house for the treatment center where I almost took a job last March. I know the lady who did take the job. She is totally overworked and underpaid and stressed out. I, on the other hand, am growing my practice, making more money everyday, have more clients than I know what to do with, and still spending two days a week at home with my kids. I am fulfilling my dreams, so thank you, thanks for your program. I have learned so much in the 7-8 months I have been a part of it. I can go to this open house tonight with no regrets for not taking this job. I can freely be glad for them and have no insecurity about their success, and I have Uncommon Practices to thank for it.

I have just rented an additional office….I am seeing too many clients to continue sharing an office, and now need my own full time. Good news!

I want to thank you for the free teleconference lecture. Even one single hour with you was filled with incredibly important and motivating information. I listened carefully to every thing you said and wrote up my own notes to highlight key ideas from your talk. I have a very strong sense that you are speaking with exceptional expertise and experience. I also appreciate very much that you provided answers for my own most pressing professional questions. You prompted me to think about “what I need to do in terms of knowledge, skills, and beliefs to build my ideal practice” – this is a great exercise and motivator. I sincerely thank you for your generosity and business-mindedness with regard to our profession.
