If you have an existing website that is not generating as many referrals as you would like, you may want to have us review your site and make recommendations for improving your site. Getting referrals from a web site involves expertise in all of these areas:
- Search Engine Optimization (in terms of selection of keywords and resonance between text; internal HTML meta tags; title tags; inbound links and percentage of top keywords on a particular page of your site);
- Increasing traffic to your site;
- Designing the pages of your site to be emotionally engaging, based on proven advertising principles; and
- Converting visitors on your site to paying clients, especially in light of the fact that for many private practitioners, searches on mobile devices now make up 65% or more of all visitors
WEBSITE ANALYSIS: Joe Bavonese, PhD performs all Website Analyses. Joe has gotten 70 or more referrals from Internet sources for his practice every year since 2009. Joe will analyze your site in terms of fifteen factors, including six statistical analyses to assess the performance of your site in terms of traffic and conversion.
CONSULTATION: After we thoroughly analyze your site, we have a 30 minute phone consultation with you to discuss specific improvements which we recommend be made to your site. This service does not include any written recommendations.