How To Choose A Business Coach For Private Practice Success

When you have decided that you could use some help in growing your existing practice or starting a new one, there are several criteria we have found helpful in evaluating potential business coaches or mentors. These criteria are listed below:

  • Does the person still work as a psychotherapist in private practice? (Best if YES)
  • Does the person understand private practice in the 21st century? Have they lived it, or is it more theoretical to them? (Best if YES)
  • Is the person steering you away from therapy and into another profession such as coaching? (Best if NO)
  • Does the person have a successful track record in private practice? (Best if YES)
  • Does the person allow you to contact prior clients who have taken their trainings? (Best if YES)
  • Does the person offer you a comprehensive written knowledge base, that you can refer to in the future, to give you a solid foundation and mindset to deal with any changes that occur in our society or field? (Best if YES)
  • Does the person offer you more than one form of support, including access to others in their program? (Best if YES)
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